Maximising height
A key feature of Timber and Builders Merchants Ridgeon’s warehouse in Suffolk is some 640 linear metres of adjustable cantilever racking which serves as the structural support for the building and gives much better storage at 6m high rather than the usual 5.4m.
This is where Bulmor Lancer’s sideloaders fit in. Ridgeon’s GM Jem Slee says: “To maximise the benefit of the extra height we replaced the two existing sideloaders with two new economic diesel powered Bulmor Lancer sideloaders with a 6m reach.
“The new advanced machines are also notably fitted with three built-in cameras positioned to cover the back, the offside area and the fork carriage. We chose Bulmor Lancer because of the superior specification and their willingness to work with us to get the correct specification and the quality of the machines as well as being realistically competitive. Our plan is to eventually change the existing fleet of sideloaders to the high-reach version.”
Generic health & safety features of the Bulmor Lancer range include a drive pedal inhibitor and warning buzzer if foot pressure fails; large profile wheels for easier travel on uneven ground with better directional stability compared to other truck types and less stress on the operator and load; wide comfortable cabins with adjustable seats and tinted safety glass; armoured roofs plus protective grills and flexible steering incorporating operating functions and pre-controlled hydraulics with simple joystick steering.
The LQ50 model at Ridgeons also offers lifting capacity of 5 tons and platform width of 1200mm.