First Mantsinen contract for Cooper Specialised Handling

Cooper Specialised Handling, a division of the recently created Cooper Handling Group, has announced details of a new deal that will see the company supply Londonderry Port and Harbour Commissioners (LPHC), with a Mantsinen hydraulic material handler.

The 120t crane is to be mounted on a wheeled under-carriage and will have a 14m boom and 12m stick configuration. The slew ring will be 5m above the ground and the machine will be supplied with Mantsinen’s 5m pantograph extending cab.

An array of attachments will also be supplied to enable LPHC to load and discharge a wide range of products, including grain, fertiliser, biomass, RDF bales, coal and scrap metal.

The contract, which is expected to be completed mid 2014, marks a significant breakthrough for Cooper SH and David Cooper, director of Cooper Handling Group, said he was delighted the company has been awarded its first Mantsinen supply contract.

“The concept of hydraulic material handlers still remains largely unexplored and only when the speed and accuracy of these machines can be seen can the advantages be truly recognised.”

The Mantsinen cranes range in capacity from 70t dead-weight through to 240t and are available on rails, tracks or wheels.

The machines are manufactured complete by Mantsinen and, whilst Mantsinen have supplied earlier models in the UK, this represents the very first totally manufactured machine – the earlier models being configured around a proprietary source upper frame.

Cooper continued: “These material handlers are gaining a reputation for speed and productivity with discharge rates up to 1100t per hour – far quicker than rope-crane alternatives, and offer greater accuracy too.”

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