ASDA installs energy saving dock shelters 

When a major supermarket wanted a low maintenance solution to seal the gap between loading bays and the vehicle body to save on energy costs, BID Group provided the solution by supplying and installing new dock shelters complete with airbags and side flaps.

Roger McNeal, technical sales manager at BID Group explains: “Dock shelters and seals protect goods and employees from the elements and keep a temperature controlled building at the correct temperature while the doors are open for the necessary loading and unloading of goods. There are a multitude of benefits found in creating a seal between the vehicle and loading bay. Hygiene, efficiency, insulation and safety are all instantly improved with a dock shelter.”

Side flaps further protect goods and personnel from the weather during loading and unloading as the curtains actually make contact with the side and roof of the trailer. This will keep out not only bad weather but also help minimise the loss of cold air from the warehouse.

Buffers are designed with protection in mind. They are there to prevent and reduce impact damage between vehicles and buildings. BID Group has a large selection of hard wearing buffers available which are easy to install and require minimal maintenance.

Wheel guides are provided to ensure vehicles are aligned and in the correct position for offloading and loading.

BID Group ensures that the best cost effective solutions are recommended with realistic time lines, so that companies can operate from the unit within an arranged programme of works and within a budget.

BID Group is able to supply and install the most efficient and reliable equipment for loading bays and warehouse facilities. Specialist engineers are able to install, repair and service all types of dock levellers, shelters, airbags, pads, buffers and wheel guides.

0870 607 5050 / [email protected]

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