Office to warehouse development let

The redevelopment of a former 1960s office block in West Bromwich, into a Grade A warehouse has seen the property let within weeks of practical completion showing how strong the demand for Grade A stock is within the region.

By Liza Helps, Property Editor Logistics Matters

ATKORE, WHICH specialises in the manufacture of electrical conduits and fittings, cables and cable management systems and infrastructure and security products, has signed a 10-year lease agreement with no break clause.

The 45,000 ft2 speculative warehouse development by Topland Group at Delta Point only started on site in January this year . 

Topland Group director William Davies, said: "This latest development at Delta Point represents a great example of Topland investing in its holdings to add value. 

"In place of an obsolete 1960s office block, we have created an excellent new industrial facility that further strengthens our relationship with Atkore and significantly enhances the profile of the whole estate."

Letting agents on the development were Bulleys and Savills.

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