Park Royal warehouse secures planning

Developer investor GLP has secured planning for a 100,000 ft2 plus urban warehouse development in West London.

By Liza Helps Property Editor Logistics Matters

THE SCHEME, to be built at 12 Waxlow Road in Park Royal, will see the demolition of the existing 41,000 ft2 facility and redevelopment of the 2.8 acre site to deliver an 111,492 ft2 Grade A warehouse.

The property will have 15m eaves, 60,515 ft2 of warehouse space as well as a further 20,979 ft2 of space at mezzanine level. There will be two dock and four level access doors with 33m yard space. There are nine car parking spaces.

The property is expected to secure BREEAM Excellent and EPC A ratings and provide up to 121 ful tiem equivalent jobs once operational and up lift form the current 47.

The redevelopment will see the 160% intensification of a site in one of London’s key strategic industrial locations. The site’s density would also increase from 33% to 68%.

Even with the huge uplift in density the development is expeted to secure a BNG uplift of 100% through maintaining the existing semi-natural vegetation on that includes eight existing trees on the Waxlow Road frontage and adding a further 12 trees and hedging with 

flower rich perennial planting proposed with amenity grassland. 

GLP secured the site in November 2021 for £48 million – a record price.

Joint letting agents are Savills and Levy Real Estate.

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