Peel proposes Salford midbox scheme

Regeneration company Peel Waters, part of developer Peel L&P, is looking to build a 108,000 ft2  mid box scheme on an ex-recycling depot in Salford.

By Liza Helps Property Editor Logistics Matters

PROPOSALS FOR the 6.3-acre scheme named Halo West, include the demolition of the existing structures and development of eight new BREEAM Excellent  units ranging from 4,338 ft2 to 39,460 ft2.

The site is unallocated within the adopted local plan however, the proposer said that: ‘it is clearly an employment site and has been for several years’. It is currently used for vehicle sales, storage, and ancillary office purposes. 

A pre-application consultation with Salford Council took place in December 2022 and the application was submitted  a few weeks ago.

Peel Waters’ development director – logistics Peter Linstead, said: “The development of this brownfield site will create local employment opportunities and enable businesses to serve both the local and wider region by making best use of the location, local infrastructure and the scheme’s strategic proximity to the motorway network.”

The units  will  benefit from a suite of sustainability  elements including  rainwater harvesting, low flush toilets, 15% roof lights etc as well as PV installation. Consideration will be given to the demolition of existing strictures, reuse of crushed aggregate from the existing site, future demolition and recycling of the proposed building envelope and structure. 

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