Picking operation automated with AMRs

Posted on Friday 27 May 2022

Geek+ AMRs have allowed Bergler to fully automate picking operations at its fulfillment facility.

THE GERMAN 3PL has put its faith in Geek+’s Picking and Put-away solution, now fully operational in Bergler’s new logistics centre in Erlensee, not far from Germany’s transportation hub, Frankfurt.

Bergler covers logistics services, including order fulfillment and returns management, for German and international e-commerce actors. To modernise picking and put-away, Bergler opted for Geek+’s P-800 picking AMRs and warehouse management system. With the picking process automated, Bergler can offer top-of-the-line service to its clients.

Its know-how is based, among other things, on experience from the production sector, allowing Bergler Industrieservices to offer its customers value-added services such as component assembly, quality control, packaging, and much more in addition to handling typical fulfilment tasks.

The automated order picking system is therefore a great help for the around 40 employees who have been assembling, packing, and shipping a large number of orders for customers of various e-commerce operators every day since moving to the 11,000 sq m Erlensee site in 2019. Bergler’s warehouse employees are now front and central in both the inbound and outbound operations and enjoy much more comfortable conditions. The P-800s bring the racks to the operator at the workstation, then return the racks to an optimised position. This saves hours that would otherwise be spent walking through the vast site.

Storage density is much higher, thanks to the AMRs’ low profile and modest space requirements. This allows Bergler more freedom to scale up their operations and expand their business horizons.

For more information, visit www.geekplus.com

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