Home>Automation>Automated handling>Swisslog to showcase PowerStore at Trinchero as part of World Automation Tour
Home>Automation>Automated storage>Swisslog to showcase PowerStore at Trinchero as part of World Automation Tour
Home>Industry Sector>Food & drink>Swisslog to showcase PowerStore at Trinchero as part of World Automation Tour

Swisslog to showcase PowerStore at Trinchero as part of World Automation Tour

03 June 2021

Swisslog is proud to announce the next stop on its virtual World Automation Tour, taking place at Trinchero Family Estates in the USA.

When Trinchero, one of the world’s top wineries, consolidated its bottling and distribution with production, they knew they needed to ramp up speed and throughput.

Partnering with Swisslog helped them achieve that goal—and more. With Swisslog’s PowerStore they can now store more than 4 million cases in just 190,000 square feet.

And, they can handle throughputs of 249 cases per hour, all while the warehouse, according to their vice president of operations, “runs like a fine Swiss watch.”

The World Automation Tour welcomes automation fans from across the globe to join virtual demos of some of Swisslog’s most legendary customer sites. 

Whether the tour is hosted from Berlin, London, Barcelona, Sydney, New York or Shanghai, forward-thinking businesses can register for any or all of the available tour dates.

Swisslog is looking forward to welcoming participants inside the incredible Trinchero facility at 4pm on 24 June

Automation fans from across the globe can register for the event via https://www.swisslog.com/TrincheroAutomationTour