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Town council rejects warehouse plans

03 February 2025

Rothwell Town Council has unanimously rejected developer Harworth’s plans to build a 1.8 million ft2 industrial and logistics scheme on a green field site close to Rothwell just off the A14 in Northamptonshire.

By Liza Helps Property Editor Logistics Matters

THE PROPOSALS, published in Logistics Matters last month are deemed inappropriate creating more traffic and leading to  noise pollution and increase risk of accidents on already dangerous roads, will add to flood risk in the town and not provide the type of jobs needed.

Harworth has said that the scheme could provide up to 3,000 jobs for the region and bring in £238 million to the local economy per year.

However, Rothwell council in a letter to North Northamptonshire Council which will decide on the scheme this month, said: “Large scale warehouses/units would not provide the same local opportunities that smaller businesses (SMEs) could provide.

“Any large-scale employers would likely bring a relocating workforce with them, reducing opportunities further.

“The Town and indeed the area needs more manufacturing / apprenticeship opportunities and high-quality jobs but at this juncture, with no knowledge of tenants, this cannot be a guarantee.”

The Council notes that there are some 1,100 homes projected to be built in Rothwell  but it is noted by consultant Gerald Eve employment opportunities in Rothwell are limited to high street retail and a number of converted houses for business use. There is also a scattering of 1950/60s small industrial properties in the town centre. Historically the town had been home to shoe manufacturers and metalworking businesses, but these have long since closed. Therefore, the imbalance between housing and job creation risks increasing out-commuting. 

Without new developments focused on employment, the residents of Rothwell are limited to travelling outside of Rothwell for employment. 

During the consultation there were some 500 representations regarding the development with 75% deemed to object. Campaigners have said the proposals will create ‘a concrete jungle’ and are ‘irresponsible’. One objector described the proposals as ‘a blatantly unpleasant, gruesome application’.

The scheme is set to target the highest sustainability credential and is looking to increase BNG beyond the statutory 10% gain. In fact the proposals  will see an increase of hedgerows of some 11.17% net gain and a 121.67% net gain on habitat creation compared to what there is currently.