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Windsor Framework replaces Northern Ireland Protocol

28 February 2023

The deal between the UK Government and the EU provides a new legal and UK constitutional framework.

THE GREEN lane is designed to remove a border in the Irish Sea, without imposing a border on the island of Ireland.

Goods will travel as normal through a new green lane without red tape or unnecessary checks, with the only checks remaining designed to prevent smuggling or crime.

Cold Chain Federation chief executive Shane Brennan said: “Under the Protocol, cold chain operators working between Great Britain and Northern Ireland have had to contend with great uncertainty, frequent disruption, and hugely increased bureaucratic burden and expense. Today’s announcement is a very welcome step towards a much more efficient and sustainable system with the potential to remove most of the current practical problems, which will be better for consumers and businesses alike.

“There are important details that Government will need to get right, such as paperwork requirements for the green lane and support for businesses in transitioning to the new systems, but today is a crucial and long-awaited milestone towards allowing the food industry to get on with the job at hand.”

Logistics UK’s head of trade and devolved policy, Nichola Mallon, added: “During these discussions, Logistics UK has consistently reinforced the importance of an agreed, durable outcome between the UK and EU on the NI Protocol in relation to securing the stability and predictability businesses need. Today’s announcement that an agreement has been reached is therefore positive news for industry, and Logistics UK will now take time to work through the technical details with members.”  

International delivery firm ParcelHero welcomed the Windsor Framework.

ParcelHero’s head of consumer research, David Jinks MILT, said: “This agreement in principle means British goods destined for Northern Ireland will go through a Green Lane, without unnecessary checks and paperwork, while products destined for the Republic of Ireland (ROI) will receive closer examination in the Red Lane. That seems an eminently sensible solution.

"It's particularly pleasing that the new deal ends, once and for all, the threat that parcels sent from GB retailers and suppliers to NI customers would require a customs declaration. It also ends the threat of Customs paperwork for individuals sending parcels from the rest of the UK to friends and family in NI. So far this particularly contentious part of the original Protocol agreement has not been enforced, due to an extended grace period. It’s good to see that this requirement has now been officially dropped.

“Hopefully, unionists will welcome the news that UK VAT rules and taxes on goods and alcohol will continue to match those of the rest of the UK, and that access to UK medicines will be guaranteed. The new Stormont Brake will give the Northern Ireland Government the opportunity to put the emergency brakes on any new EU goods rules it disagrees with.”