Are you ready for Peak Packaging Monday?

Falling one week before Cyber Monday in the UK, Monday 23rd November will be one of the busiest days of the year for packaging purchases.

Peak Packaging Monday, an event that falls a week before Cyber Monday is a significant date for B2B operators, particularly in the packaging sector. Consumer spending figures, in recent years, show an avergae increase of 60% when compared with the rest of the year. This has a direct effect on those supplying to the retail sector – and packaging is a huge part of that.

Kite Packaging, the UK’s leading supplier of packaging, distributes to a number of market sectors but has seen a huge rise in demand from e-commerce clients. Cyber Monday, and a shift in how consumers choose to complete that all-important Christmas shopping (UK consumers will spend a whopping 400 million hours online shopping in December), mean an increased throughput in parcels through the UK distribution sector – and more parcels mean more packaging.

Kite Packaging reports a 30% uplift in order activity during November year-on-year, and more interestingly a significant increase in order value, with a reported 40% increase in turnover during November when compared with the rest of the year. This is also reflected in the figures reported by packaging manufacturers, such as corrugators – including the UK’s leading board manufacturers, who see an average 30-35% increase in sales in Q4.

Boxes and paper-based mailing products such as bags are some of the top products used for sending out goods – and is reflected in the increase Royal Mail see during the Q4 period.

Packaging is a key commodity to thousands of businesses across the UK, and Peak Packaging Monday is set to be as successful as ever this year, with distributors and suppliers close to planning stock and their distribution strategies ready to tackle the increase. National UK carriers will also be feeling the surge, with Peak Packaging Day marking the start of their busy period, with a 40% average increase in delivery demand – up to 80% during the busiest week compared to the annual off-peak average.

Kite Packaging are already set to have the most successful Peak Packaging Monday since it began trading online in 2004, with Jake Kirk, Managing partner of the online operation commenting; “Peak Packaging Monday is when we can really judge how well retailers are doing in the run up to Christmas, high volume orders mean a healthy projection for their end of year sales and this is only good news for B2B organisations such as ourselves. We have been incredibly focused on product this year and are confident our range and competitive pricing model will make us an attractive offering during the busy purchasing period for businesses.”

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