Assessment of micro-fulfilment strategies

Posted on Monday 4 April 2022

CENTRALISATION HAS been a critical question for many network developers over the years. In the case of grocery fulfilment, the benefits of central order orchestration are significant – however, the concept is not without flaws.

Many of the benefits stem from the ability to build a more comprehensive, more robust solution that has a high level of resilience in a setting that is tried and tested, made fit for purpose and free from customer traffic. The investor can think over a longer timeframe as well-meaning that they may justify writing investment off over a more extended period. Still, it also enables them to plan upfront for future changes, de-risking their business for the future.

On the downside, the investor loses vital speed. Not the pace to pick an order, but they lose some proximity to the customer. While there are some benefits in the central orchestration of last-mile delivery routing over more expansive geography than a single store, the problem is still significant.

Whilst orders are picked overnight for next-day delivery, we have less of a problem, but this looks set to change as we have set out. Therefore, centralised orchestration prevents the retailer from essentially entering this market. This may be unacceptable for the investor. 

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