Automation for the masses

GeekplusĀ Robotics used IMHX to market its automated warehouse solutions, which are said to open automation up to many more businesses.

Simon Houghton, senior sales & marketing manager at Geekplus Robotics – Europe, sees huge growth potential for the company, which has just established itself in the UK.

“Traditionally, you would have to spend millions to get automation, this is a great way to dip your toes in the water and scale up from there,” explains Simon.

Geek uses AI guided robots to assist with goods to person picking, for example, in the warehouse.

It has 200 live projects with over 7,000 robots in use, most in China where it has built up considerable knowledge handling warehouse operations for retailers. 

Simon adds: “We are proud of what we have achieved in five years, and want to replicate that in the UK in a controlled and structured manner.”

The Geek workstations are effectively multi-use, they can be used for picking, as well as other processes such as returns, or as induct stations for receiving goods.

“As the demand on work changes through the day,” says Simon. “The workstations can adjust to cope with the tasks that are the priority at the time.”

Geek had a busy IMHX.

“The show has been very good, it was very busy, with lots of interest, every business we’ve met has been looking for efficiencies. People have also been pleased to hear that implementation is quick. When we finalise design, it is 12 weeks until delivery. In addition, system operators can update the system every year, relatively easily. This contrasts with larger automated systems, where you would plan in fewer phases simply because of the mechanics of installation.”

Geek has reference sites up and running in Europe and many in Asia. It plans to open a UK office with design and implementation capability by the end of year, with UK projects going live early next year.

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