Batch and sort

Large efficiency wins can be delivered by automated sorting systems, explains DistriSort, a system integrator specialised in sorting.

For automatic sorting it is important that the volume is large enough, because major cost benefits arise when as many products as possible are handled by as few people as possible.

A key logistics flow where sorting can be of help in a distribution centre is the ordering process and/or eCommerce (separate or together). Automatic sorting is complementary to the picking process. Where picking becomes more complex with increasing amounts of orders, ordering rules and numbers of products, automatic sorting provides a solution. When a number of orders are merged into one large order picking instruction (batching), the sorting machine can sort the batch back into individual orders. Order batching therefore means merging the customer’s instructions. It does not matter for a sorting solution whether 50 or 500 orders are provided simultaneously. Sorting is a very attractive logistics process to reduce order lead times, handling costs and costs per product. 

It provides a large efficiency win since there is no need for every individual order to be made in the distribution centre. Batching leads to less traffic in the picking area (fewer people do more work), walking distances are significantly shortened (time gains) and productivity (number) per order picker is increased. Picking errors are discovered in the automatic sorting process by a final check on numbers in the batch.

Often eCommerce is started or handled as a separate activity. Because of its increasing success, eCommerce is being integrated into normal daily business. In order to integrate eCommerce orders into the normal process, there is an important difference that eCommerce orders are characterised by a high number of orders with only few products per order. The hallmark of the “traditional” order is many products per order. By configuring a sorting machine with eCommerce exits, there is no problem combining eCommerce orders and other mentioned flows in the ordering process. Automatic sorting solutions are therefore also very suitable for eCommerce orders.

Other processes that can benefit from sortation system include goods-in (counting for delivery and number control), returns (shorten time to stock and market) and cross docking (intershop and direct from supplier to shop or eCommerce).

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