Compact sorting solution for small footprint

Equinox MHE has released the vertical slide tray sorter LR after seeing increasing demand for compact solutions.

The kit sorts a wide range of products to predefined destinations. The trays enable bi-directional (left-right) sorting, which maximises the number of exits in a small footprint. 


Peter Voet, sales manager says: “Within the e-fulfilment and postal segments, we noticed an increasing demand for compact sorters. Up until now, we didn’t have a product to answer for that specific request. To fill this gap we designed the slide tray sorter LR. This sorter can be used for outgoing goods, but is also capable of handling returns, which is a growing challenge in e-fulfilment.

“It is based on our proven slide tray technology, but the trays are redesigned to enable bi-directional (left-right) sorting. We offer two tray types for this sorter, a single and double tray. The tray selection is based on the customer’s product dimensions and capacity needs. With single trays, we reach a capacity of 8,000 products per hour. The double trays allow a significant increase of capacity, up to 12,000 products per hour.”

The I-shaped layout allows installation on a small footprint due to the vertical circulating trays. The strength lies in the sortation of a wide range of products, from large and heavy products to smalls and delicate products. The system can sort small items, starting at dimension of 10 x 40 millimetres.

The products can be inducted either automatic or manual. When using an automatic induction, the products are inducted by using a belt conveyor, installed above the trays. Peter continues: “At the automatic induction point, the trays are in a horizontal position. After an item is inducted, the tray will assume either a left or right position based on the required exit. This action occurs before the first exits. By already taking an angled position, the tray allows the item to be sorted in a more gentle movement once it reaches the exit.”

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