Compliant ramp for hazardous waste op

Posted on Friday 1 January 2010

As part of a recent expansion, hazardous waste management firm Chloros has installed specialist Thorworld Industries’ loading equipment, within new, state of the art facilities.

As part of its growth, the firm recently relocated its waste transfer station to larger 43,000 sq ft premises in Hartlebury, Worcestershire.

The move has required meticulous planning and extensive infrastructure to ensure that the relocation premises are compliant.

Part of the building overhaul has involved the purpose design of a bespoke loading dock area to safely accommodate waste for onward transportation or warehouse storage.

Project director, Andrew Sawers says: “As part of the move, we wanted to create a specialist, highly compliant loading area from which we could increase throughput to help our business grow yet further. However, as many of the materials we handle have flammable properties, bringing loading equipment on board with hydraulic or electrical configurations wasn’t an option.

“With electronics and the option to have a dock leveller out of the equation, we needed a ramp with sufficient length as well as strength to support the safe and effective movement of waste, both in and out of transport containers. Thorworld dealer, Warren Craig from Loading Bay Service knew of a solution that would work, and suggested the installation of a 6,000Kg capacity, 4.5 metre Thorworld ramp, alongside a supporting platform and dockboard.”

Complete with access steps, hinged safety barrier, handrails, curbs and Bimagrip Antislip coating, the longer ramp Warren proposed would safely enable forklift access to and from containers without the need for electric or hydraulic mechanisms. The docking area supported the need to heighten efficiency and increase throughput, and the overall design meant that despite the absence of electrical systems, the apparatus consumed the least amount of space possible.

“We’re a conscientious company, regulated by the Environment Agency and with the drive to push our business’s sustainability. We operate to exacting standards and expect the equipment that supports us to do the same.

“The refurbishment of our new Hartlebury site has been challenging but highly successful, with Thorworld’s ramp design and installation playing its part.”

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