Datalogic secures £20m Royal Mail parcel sortation order

Datalogic has inked a deal with Royal Mail to implement a new Parcel Sorting System in around 20 mail centres across the UK.

The automated parcels sorting machines will improve the speed and efficiency of parcels sorting at mail centres nationwide, and enable enhanced tracking of barcoded parcels in the Royal Mail network. 
Datalogic was awarded the contract to deliver these systems and will provide a turnkey solution that includes: 
• Design Engineering, Software, Controls, Program Management, Subcontractor Management, Installation, Commissioning, Training and Support.
• Automated unloading of parcels.
• Transportation conveyors and induction equipment, etc.
• Dimension, weigh, and scan systems (DWS).
• Robust MIS/IS support.
• A sortation System. 
The order has a total value of around £20m.
“Datalogic, and others, have been involved by Royal Mail with the challenge to automate the processing of barcoded parcels in a limited space within their existing mail centres. Throughout the process, the Postal team based in Telford, Pennsylvania, has shown to have a clear understanding of Royal Mail’s requirements to provide a scalable solution that fully addresses their needs from a technical, operational and business perspective.

“Our postal operations experience, the ability to evaluate and integrate the right technology and our flexible working philosophy with our customers are all key factors that have secured our position to be the supplier of choice. We are very proud that a demanding and significant player in the postal market such as Royal Mail has chosen Datalogic as a preferred supplier.” says Valentina Volta, CEO of Datalogic Industrial Automation.

Datalogic is a global leader in the Automatic Data Capture and Industrial Automation markets and producer of bar code readers, mobile computers, sensors, vision systems and laser marking systems.

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