Key forklift safety conference launches accompanying App
Delegates to the National Fork Lift Safety Conference 2016 in June will be able to use a new app developed by organiser the Fork Lift Truck Association (FLTA).
Held on 29th June 2016 at the Heart of England Conference Centre, near Coventry, the event provides delegates with professional advice and practical guidance on how to improve fork lift truck safety from the industry’s leading experts, including the Health and Safety Executive (HSE) and the FLTA.
FLTA chief executive Peter Harvey MBE explains the thinking behind this development. He said: “We are always looking for new and effective ways to inform, engage and inspire those attending as our ultimate aim is to help those using forklift trucks to make their sites safer.
“With this new app, our delegates will be able to do more than simply find out about our speakers and their sessions. They’ll have the opportunity to network with them via social media, including LinkedIn and Twitter.
“They’ll also be able to connect with others attending the event, allowing for open, frank discussions on the subject of safety, as well as seeking advice on challenges affecting their own operations.”
The event's peer-to-peer learning sessions, introduced in 2014, have become a firm favourite with delegates. They’re delivered by those who have led safety on site, transforming it successfully, despite common obstacles. This year we have more than ever before, delivered by Heineken, Mitsubishi Electric, The Bury Black Pudding Company and Brett’s Landscaping and Building Products.
Designed for use with Apple and Android devices, the app also provides users with the event programme and session summaries and signposts them to the wide range of resources available through the FLTA and its members.
Peter adds: “Importantly, access to all of these resources, and more, is available leading up to, at and following the event. So download today. Just search for ‘FLTA’ in Google Play or Apple stores…”
The event is led by peer-driven content as well as professional advice and practical guidance on how to improve fork lift truck safety from experts at the Health and Safety Executive (HSE), the FLTA and some of the UK’s leading fork lift truck training bodies and manufacturers, including sponsor Jungheinrich.
There will also be an open forum Q&A session, the Practical Safety Panel, where attendees can ask the experts questions specific to their own site and operation.
Recent feedback has revealed that the most popular conference sessions are the case studies presented by those who have transformed their own sites – despite obstacles – to improve safety.
Each of this year’s four peer-to-peer case studies will be presented by outstanding Finalists and the winner of the FLTA’s annual Safe Site Award: an honour which pays tribute to the year’s most impressive and innovative safety improvements.
The winner of this year’s Award, Heineken, will kick off the case study section at the 2016 conference. Other highly commended companies presenting include: Mitsubishi Electric, Brett Landscaping and the Bury Black Pudding Company.
While each story comes from a different industry, and each company had particular obstacles and problems to overcome, they share an unwavering commitment to make sites and colleagues safer.
Through their stories, practical experiences and insights, delegates will learn new techniques and practical approaches which will help them make their own sites safer places to work.
Case studies have been designed to inspire and inform conference delegates at every level and in every industry. Throughout each presentation, session leaders will share:
• Best practice advice on common issues, such as speed limits and vehicle and pedestrian segregation.
• Practical ideas for producing engaging safety materials for staff.
• Insights into ways of changing a site’s safety culture.
• Tips for getting best value from your safety budget.
• The financial benefits to be had from working safely.
To give readers a glimpse of what to expect, below is a brief explanation of the achievements that earned them such high acclaim throughout the fork lift truck industry.
Heineken UK
Not satisfied with being a runner up for the Safe Site Award in 2015, Heineken redoubled their efforts to safeguard staff and site visitors in 2016.
Through the company’s improved “Perfect Forklift Experience” Heineken’s Hereford Cider Mills factory increased safety and reduced damage costs by almost 95%.
The initiative included assigning individual fork truck care to teams, implementing an ingenious-yet-affordable QR video system for maintenance checks and introducing a Davis Derby vehicle monitoring system.
The Bury Black Pudding Company
Addressing a lack of training among staff members working alongside forklifts, BBPC introduced a fork lift truck awareness training programme.
Alerting workers to the many hazards of working in close proximity to FLTs, the training pulled no punches.
Using photos of real life accidents and injuries, staff were left in no doubt as to the importance of maintaining awareness and following safe protocols around forklifts.
Mitsubishi Electric
In response to a peak in reported near misses on-site, Mitsubishi Electric launched its fork lift improvement initiative.
What began as an open forum for FLT operators and non-drivers to discuss pedestrian safety has grown into a significant force for change.
Having reviewed footage of fork lift operation’s pedestrian risk assessments, the company implemented relevant improvements, including safety video training for pedestrians, a review of all signage, segregation of designated walkways, safety posters, a fork lift dos and don’ts card and an L117 awareness workshop.
Brett Landscaping and Building Products
Following several significant near misses, BLBP engaged with their workforce and haulage contractor to review their entire site operation – with a particular focus on the stockyard, traffic and pedestrian management.
The company introduced segregated pedestrian walkways, improved signage, 10 additional loading bays, a new FLT fleet with pin-code control and blue-spot technology, and much more besides.
The changes resulted in greater efficiency, fewer incidents, 3,450m² of additional stockyard space and a workforce that takes pride in their site.