Lasers to assist with warehouse security
Technology developments to SICK’s LMS range of 2D laser scanners help them to protect outdoor open spaces reliably, even where there are frequent vehicle movements, says the company.
Both intrusion and anti-collision protection have been made more customisable and adaptable for transport or distribution centres with the developments to the SICK LMS141 range of time-of-flight laser scanners.
Neil Sandhu, SICK (UK) product manager explains: “SICK laser scanners are well known for their robust and reliable protection of buildings and outdoor spaces, even in challenging environments or weather. Now, with the LMS 141, security monitoring and collision protection for a whole range of complex profiles and changing situations is possible while avoiding false alarms.”
The new LMS 141 2D laser scanner has been optimised for building and outdoor security. Scanners can be integrated with CCTV and lighting systems for full image identification purposes.
Regular moving objects such as vehicles in designated spaces can be taught-in to the sensor software, and the LMS 141’s Core and Prime options offer differing degrees of complexity depending on the application, with automatic or configured fields and the ability to teach-in with or without a PC. The unit also allows for gradual profile build-up to avoid false alarms, for example, with snow accumulation, piles of leaves or grass growing.
“The LMS 141 has our widest-ever scanning field, capable of detecting even black targets over an area up to 30 metres by 20 metres, almost football pitch sized,” Neil Sandhu continues. “So you can protect large areas like retail parks or warehouse docking areas with very few scanners.
“Because you can define and configure a number of fields and profiles to allow for changing conditions over time, fields can be easily be set, for example to account for movements of trailers, bins or skips in warehouse loading bays.
“The LMS 141 offers invisible protection with superior performance to non-laser technologies such as radar and infrared, at a competitive price to installing a high security fence, for example.”
With its IP67, tamper-resistant housing, the LMS 141 has a wide temperature range of between -40oC and +60oC capability, can operate independently of changing light levels and is unaffected by rain, fog and snow.
The SICK LMS 141 time-of-flight laser scanner emits an infra-red laser beam pulse which scans a field range up to 270o via a rotating mirror. The scanner’s sensor measures the return time of each pulse to build a profile which is compared to the taught-in profile. The unit can be mounted horizontally, on its back, vertically, on the floor or on posts or walls to provide the required protective field.
Connected via a tough, UV resistant cable, the LMS141 is available with Ethernet and CAN communication for easy integration to local control networks; smartphone alarms can be set up via a PC for remote monitoring. The compact, discreetly coloured unit is only 162mm by 102mm by 106mm and 1.1kg for easy installation.