Loading bay management goes online with launch of interactive app

An interactive app designed to make bay management quicker, easier and more accessible has been launched by 3T Group.

SOLO.Dock has been developed for use by carriers and their customers to manage all outbound and inbound operations.

The system enables carriers to book collection slots online on a first come, first served or pre-allocated basis. Customers are also able to see the whole schedule for deliveries and collection, enabling warehouse managers to allocate resources and labour to maximise efficiency and smooth out workload.

Using the module will enable organisations to reduce demurrage, save time on making phone calls and administrative processes, reduce congestion and ultimately improve loading, collection and delivery performance.

The programme is available on a standalone basis or as part of a modular transport management system.

The 3T Group has already created several products to automate transport processes and reduce cost within the logistics sector. A team of technology experts have drawn on their experience working in transport management across a range of industries to develop and refine the technology over the last 15 years.

3T’s CEO Steve Twydell believes that the application could revolutionise the way that deliveries and collections are managed for a site.

“SOLO.Dock provides a cost effective standalone solution for any busy loading or receiving location. It also slots into our end-to-end transport system solution, offering clients a modular based development path for automation of the administration burden involved in day to day transport operations.

“Automation and visibility are key elements in driving logistics processes. These new technologies will enable our customers to manage a whole range of processes more efficiently and cost effectively.”

The product has a live chat feature that facilitates interactive messaging and system settings can be varied to suit individual organisational requirements. The app also creates reports to facilitate KPI monitoring and planning.

SOLO.Dock is being rolled out to several companies this month. Access to the module is by subscription which is hosted through the SOLO. Event platform, a collection of modules that are symbiotically linked.

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