Picking robot developed
Magazino has released the picking-robot TORU Cube and will preview the product at CeMAT 2016.
The latest robot Magazino has released is the TORU Cube, which combines intelligent object recognition and precise gripping to provide excellent automated item-specific picking functionality. TORU Cube is optimised to handle rectangular objects such as books, boxes and shoe boxes.
Since the last prototype a lot has changed: The new TORU Cube can pick books and also larger rectangular objects – from a small paperback to a shoebox to a heavy encyclopedia to a box of screws. TORU Cube now also features a detachable picking-shelf with configurable levels of storage, providing space for up to 20 average sized books or other rectangular products.
With its rotating column TORU Cube is able to reach items stored as low as 10cm from the ground up to 209cm on both sides of a warehouse aisle giving him a human-like range of motion and mobility.
In the midst of Industry 4.0 logistics is becoming increasingly important, because the demands of flexible and accurate delivery are steadily rising. With its intelligent picking-robot TORU, Magazino facilitates these increasing demands as TORU works alongside people in the warehouse and can be deployed depending on the order situation. The number of robots can be increased according to need or in case of declining order volumes be reduced. TORU can not only handle existing shelves, but – thanks to computer vision – adapt to changes in the product range or the warehouse structure.
TORU can be seen in action at CeMAT 2016 in Hall 27, Booth C55.