Reachstacker series from Liebherr makes debut

Liebherr Maritime Cranes has launches the new Pulser reachstacker series.

The first model LRS 545 stacks five containers high in the first row. Moreover, it is capable of handling 45 tonnes in the first and 31 tonnes in the second row. It is designed to be an efficient link between quay and yard.
The development comes 11 years after the delivery of the first Liebherr reach stacker. Its wedge-shaped design aims to boost agility for smooth container operation.
The LRS 545 comes with a total weight of approximately 70 tonnes, and is equipped with a 4-cylinder 230 kW diesel engine. The in-house developed motor is in compliance with the latest EU Stage IV / EPA Tier 4 final emission standards.
An optional hybrid drive – Pactronic – allows for more power. The well-proven hybrid power booster has already been used worldwide in mobile harbour cranes for five years. Installed in the new reachstacker, the maintenance-free Pactronic allows for an additional 110 kW without fuel consumption or emission.
The ergonomic cabin aims to reduce fatigue for the driver. The customer can opt for a steering wheel or go for an additional steer-by-wire control. 
The drive mechanism of the new machine has a hydrostatic transmission. This allows for stepless speed control with optimised diesel revolutions per minute, which means operators benefit from reduced fuel consumption. Moreover, the hydrostatic transmission requires less service than alternative concepts.
Each wheel of the new reachstacker is steered separately, which directly improves the agility of the machine as smaller radii are possible. Thanks to individual wheel drive, wear and tear of each tyre is reduced. Additionally, the stress on each component of the steering system is kept as low as possible for a longer service life.
The new reachstacker is designed for low maintenance. Every part of the machine is easily accessible and within reach.  Liebherr Maritime Cranes has pedigree, having delivered almost 6,000 units.

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