Retrofit recipe for spice specialist Almi

Posted on Monday 12 December 2022

TO FORM resilient value chains to uphold delivery commitments to customers, high-performance intralogistics is needed. Almi, the spice specialist based in Oftering, in Upper Austria, commissioned TGW Logistics Group to update its warehouse.

TGW implemented the project in record time – during ongoing operation and despite the effects of the Covid-19 pandemic.

The Almi warehouse in Oftering was built in 2006 by TGW. The heart of the system is the automatic mini-load warehouse with three aisles, tote buffer, and carton, tote and pallet conveyor systems on three levels. To boost the performance of the intralogistics, the system was equipped with energy-efficient conveyor technology. In 2017, TGW was asked to update the warehouse management system

Together towards a green future

TGW was selected as the partner of choice for a retrofit of the automated tote warehouse with approximately 10,000 storage locations. Almi ruled out the prospect of expanding its facilities. 

Almi's production manager Stefan Lackinger, says: “Sustainability is of great importance to Almi. We do not want to pave over more green areas, so we decided from the beginning to optimise the existing facility so that we will be well equipped for the future,” 

TGW experts presented a concept made up of multiple components: changing out a storage and retrieval machine, replacing the mechatronics of the commissioner lifting beam system, updating three carriages and one belt-driven lift, and implementing new control technology. 

The storage and retrieval machine was replaced by a Mustang E+ of the latest generation. Its advantages: it weighs less than older units, it has a state-of-the-art control system and it does not require anti-oscillation technology. This makes it possible to save energy. 

Retrofit during live operation

TGW and Almi set a very tight schedule: the entire project would be executed around the Christmas and New Year’s holidays to reduce the standstill to a minimum. 

“Nevertheless, it was not possible to fully complete the project by January 6 as the plan had originally called for. However, this was not the fault of TGW. As a result of the COVID-19 pandemic and worldwide supply chain bottlenecks, the hardware was not replaced until April – at the weekends”, says Josef Fritz, sales project manager at TGW.

Despite the difficulties encountered, the project was successfully completed in late April 2022 and Almi is highly satisfied with the result. The retrofit boosted system availability and lowered the cost of spare parts for maintenance.

For more information, visit

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