Skills for Logistics launches the Standard of Excellence Driver CPC

Skills for Logistics launched the Standard of Excellence Driver CPC in response to a need voiced by employers and providers to showcase excellent training provision.

Dr Ross Moloney, CEO of Skills for Logistics said: “Our aim is to recognise and celebrate providers who consistently deliver high quality training and provide a mechanism to help employers locate and access this excellent training provision.”

The standard has been developed following extensive consultation with key logistics employers. They identified five key metrics based on high quality training and business benefit, which the Standard should include: trainer quality; course preparation and delivery; learning resources and environment; pre-and post-training delivery and a commitment to excellence.

Only providers who can demonstrate that they meet the Standard of Excellence in all five metrics will be able to use the kitemark.

The Standard will allow businesses to identify excellent training providers as well as give them a chance to benchmark their own in house training against the best in sector. 

The ability to identify, train and recruit a team that has received excellent training gives a business a real competitive advantage and demonstrates a commitment to a culture of excellence.

The Standard is available for all providers of logistics training who want to demonstrate their commitment to excellence. 

Skills for Logistics will maintain a live database of all the training providers who have exhibited their excellence.  Training providers will be able to use the logo in their marketing to demonstrate to employers that they are delivering high quality, tested and recognised training.

Dr Ross Moloney, CEO of Skills for Logistics: “This is not a mandatory scheme but we know there are many training providers who would like to compete on quality, not just price, and that there are employers and individuals who want more visibility about high quality training in the sector. ” 

The quality of training in the sector is a concern that is frequently expressed by employers, according to Dr Moloney. He said: “In response to these concerns, we’ve worked with partners to develop criteria by which we can recognize and support excellent logistics training providers.

Dr Moloney continued:  “The Standard of Excellence will be an invaluable method for employers and individuals to recognise excellent training.  Likewise, it gives providers a chance to benchmark themselves against the best in the sector.  It won’t be a solution for everyone, but we hope that providers who want to exhibit their excellence will consider the benefits of the Standard”. 

Tanith Dolan, Technical Training Co-ordinator for John Lewis Distribution attended the very first Skills for Logistics DCPC Employer Consultation in June 2014. Tanith said: “John Lewis Distribution lends support to the new initiative and is happy to endorse the Skills for Logistics Standard of Excellence DCPC that recognises the quality of excellent training providers in the sector”.  

Dr Moloney concluded: “The launch of the Standard of Excellence marks the culmination of a 6 month period of consultation with key employers, trade associations and training providers in the Logistics Sector,” said Dr Moloney. “The Standard of Excellence provides a platform to recognize and celebrate the highest quality training in the sector. We’d like to have more providers test themselves against the standard”.

For further information on Skills for Logistics Standard of Excellence Driver CPC, please email: [email protected]

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