Smart supply chain is lead theme for CeMAT 2016

The show, which runs from 31 May to 3 June in Hannover, Germany, will highlight the pivotal role of logistics in today’s increasingly digitised and integrated industrial value chains.

Dr. Andreas Gruchow, a member of the Managing Board of Deutsche Messe, explains: “Logistics is growing in importance because accuracy and flexibility of supply are fundamental to the growing Industry 4.0 trend. Soon, all parts containers, racks, materials handling and transport systems and even the materials themselves will need to be intelligent so that they can communicate with their surroundings and with machines and robots in downstream and upstream production and assembly processes. And this, precisely, is the focus of the upcoming CeMAT with its lead theme of Smart Supply Chain Solutions. The show will present automation and integrated control solutions for tomorrow’s intelligent, digital logistics processes. The scope will extend far beyond mere logistics optimization solutions because the digitization trend is revolutionizing entire value chains and creating completely new business models. CeMAT has a vitally important role to play in this revolution because it is the only trade fair that provides a global perspective on the technology trends involved.”

This view is echoed by Dr. Christoph Beumer, Chairman of the CeMAT Executive Committee and Managing Director of BEUMER Group GmbH & Co. KG. “CeMAT is unique. No other intralogistics trade show has such an immense international following. It is simply unmatched in terms of the large numbers of exhibitors and visitors it attracts from outside Germany,” he said. “The lead theme of Smart Supply Chain Solutions perfectly reflects the latest developments in our industry. With supply chains growing more complex, companies need to streamline their processes in order to cut costs and become more agile. They need to foster better communication and collaboration with their trading partners. And they need to be able to respond with ever-greater speed and flexibility to changing conditions. In short: they need smart solutions,” said Beumer.

CeMAT, the world’s leading trade fair for intralogistics and supply chain management, is held every two years. The upcoming CeMAT, which runs from 31 May to 3 June 2016, is expected to attract around 1,000 exhibitors from every corner of the globe. “We are highly pleased with the current level of incoming exhibitor registrations,” said Gruchow. “The figure is now ten percent higher than for the same period in the run-up to the previous CeMAT. We’re expecting a lot of new names in the exhibitor lineup – companies like Baust & Co from Germany, Delta-Q Technologies from Canada, and Makersan from Turkey. There will also be a few companies we’ve not seen at CeMAT in a while, including Manitou and Feralco from France, Ningbo from China and Fantuzzi from Italy. CeMAT is in a league of its own. For a global industry like intralogistics, there is simply no better platform for showcasing the latest amazing technologies to the world and keeping up with current trends and developments,” added Gruchow.

Cranes and Lifting Equipment Pavilion
Like other core areas of the logistics industry, the cranes and lifting equipment sector faces major challenges from the growing trend towards digital integration and Industry 4.0. In recognition of this, the sector will have its own dedicated exhibition area and forum – known as the Cranes and Lifting Equipment Pavilion – in Hall 27 at the upcoming show. “CeMAT is one of the most important trade fairs for cranes and lifting equipment,” said Heinz Helmut Kempkes, Managing Director of KULI-Hebezeuge Helmut Kempkes GmbH. “With an annual production output worth around 4.6 billion euros, Germany’s manufacturers of cranes and lifting equipment are the largest sector group in the VDMA Materials Handling and Intralogistics Association. The products offered by these manufacturers range from simple load handling attachments to complete automatic cranes and are an integral part of the intralogistics industry. In keeping with this, the new Cranes and Lifting Equipment Pavilion boosts the profile of our sector at CeMAT and will thus make us more visible to trade visitors. It’s a win-win for everyone.”

Logistics IT
The Logistics IT showcase at CeMAT revolves around the Logistics IT User Forum. Both are located in Hall 27, and both will share powerful synergies with the immediately adjacent logistics system displays and, of course, the Cranes and Lifting Equipment Pavilion. “Smart IT solutions are fundamental to modern logistics,” said Michael Baranowski, CEO of the German software developer TEAM GmbH. “IT used to be a mere tool – a kind of add-on component that you needed in order to operate things like automated warehouse systems. But now it’s the number one driver and source of innovation in the interconnected world of Logistics 4.0. That’s because digitization is happening across every segment of the logistics industry. Developments like mobile Internet and the digital integration of all end-users into the production and supply chain are opening up new opportunities and giving rise to new business models. And so the Logistics IT display area will present real-life application scenarios that will show visitors how they can leverage these new developments to modernize their in-house logistics processes.”

Pick & Pack
CeMAT 2016 will feature a greatly extended packaging technology lineup thanks to a strategic partnership between Deutsche Messe AG and easyfairs GmbH that will see the latter’s “Empack” and “Label&Print” shows co-staged with the former’s Pick & Pack display area. The two organizers anticipate that the new joint showcase will feature around 200 exhibitors and occupy about 10,000 square meters (107,600 sq. ft.) of exhibition space. Deutsche Messe’s Dr. Gruchow explains: “This new partnership expands our packaging technology offering at CeMAT, enabling us to reach a number of important additional exhibitor and visitor groups. The extended format reflects the key role that packaging technology plays in the supply chain.”

Move & Lift and Store & Load
In 2016, the two biggest display areas at CeMAT will once again be the Move & Lift and the Store & Load showcases. Move & Lift presents the latest innovations in materials handling and lifting technology, including industrial trucks, cranes and lifting equipment, aerial work platforms, continuous handling systems and port handling equipment. Store & Load, on the other hand, is dedicated to automated warehousing systems. It features exhibits of rack systems, factory equipment, pallets, containers, loading and unloading equipment and complete warehousing and loading systems.

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