Storage lift for heavy goods

Posted on Friday 1 January 2010

The Shuttle XP 1000 storage lift from Kardex Remstar can accommodate goods weighing up to 1,000kg per tray.

The XP 1000 joins the 250, 500, and 700 models in the range. Designed for the simple storage and ergonomic retrieval of cumbersome parts, heavy tools can be safely stored as easily as large goods, a large number of small parts per tray, or entire pallets. Providing stability in the storage system is a new tray type, with a width of 1,250mm and up to 800kg with a width of 4,050mm. For ease of use, the new tray uses castors instead of conventional plastic sliding shoes.

The storage system can be used by a wide range of sectors as a production buffer, to supply assembly lines, as a tool store, or to distribute spare parts.

One pallet, or even two side by side, can be stored with a special tray in combination with the manual or automatic tray pull-out section. As a further option, the new storage lift also features a factory-made crane with whose help large and/or heavy parts can easily be stored and retrieved.

“With the new Shuttle XP 1000, we are covering all conceivable application scenarios,” explains Marc A Zenses, head of solution/product management at Kardex Remstar. “With the pallet storage and crane handling features, we are providing additional options that are unique in the market.”

The Shuttle XP provides Fast access times and a clear overview of stock. Large storage capacity can be achieved in small floor spaces, reducing the space used for storage by up to 80 per cent. 

The “goods to person” principle is an added benefit in terms of user friendliness. The stored goods are brought from the extractor (positioning lift) to the access opening where they can be ergonomically removed.

All Shuttle XP models are fitted with Logicontrol as standard, the latest machine control system from Kardex Remstar. This can also be used for simple warehouse management. In addition, Logicontrol has interfaces which can be used to link it to ERP systems.

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