Survey finds precise rather than fast delivery most valued

A survey carried out by logistics IT supplier Honeywell has found that 40% of shoppers are willing to pay for the ‘perfect delivery’, that is a delivery that happens when and where they choose.

The three-hour delivery window has now become a standard expectation among the majority of UK shoppers, according to the research carried out by Ipsos Research on behalf of Honeywell.

The majority of respondents (53%) now expect the estimated time of delivery to be precise within three hours or less, and 40% of consumers said they would be willing to pay extra for the ‘perfect delivery’, in which they designate exactly where and when their parcel will be delivered.

“It is crucial for online retailers to keep up with the fast-paced lives of their customers, which is why mobile technology plays a vital role for eCommerce,” said Jeff Taylor, a director of Honeywell’s transport and logistics business. “From the warehouse to delivery to post-sale satisfaction, both retailers and couriers have to work closely together to ensure a swift delivery and a positive shopping experience.”

The majority of customers (57%) declared that current delivery options offered by retailers are not satisfactory, and more than half of respondents (51%) say it is often the case that ‘the parcel delivery reaches their home address when they are not at home and/or misses the appointment time’.

For orders requiring collection of the product, consumers expect travel distance to be short. Only one in ten said that they would be willing to journey five miles to pick up their item; whilst four in ten (39%) will only go as far as their nearest shop for collection.

While consumers are largely in agreement that on-line shopping will only grow – more than nine out of 10 consumers (94%) stated that they have ordered something online within the past three months, and nearly all (99%) expect to be conducting some form of online shopping over the next five years – their views differ on the options for delivery that will be available to them:

·         Eight in ten (79%) believe they will still receive items they buy online via courier.

·         Four in ten (39%) expect to pick up items at an agreed third party location (parcel point, local shop, other).

·         A quarter (23%) expect to pick items up at a post office or sorting office.

·         12% expect items to be delivered by drone or robot.

The message for retailers is clear: companies that are unwilling to adhere to the consumer’s demands will face the consequences; with almost half (48%) of UK shoppers admitting that they have abandoned their online shopping baskets owing to poor delivery options.

Since the vast majority (91%) of consumers check delivery options prior to check out, this shows a need for businesses to provide shoppers with convenient delivery options, or risk being left behind as online shopping takes increasing precedence in the lives of consumers.

Retailers are under increasing pressure as more and more consumers shop online and expect their goods to be delivered quickly and accurately. Honeywell’s recent eCommerce survey found that the majority of customers expect their orders to be delivered within a three hour window. Honeywell Scanning & Mobility and Honeywell Vocollect technologies are helping retailers meet the growing consumer demand and expectations by making the delivery and fulfilment process more efficient.


In the warehouse, technologies such as Honeywell Vocollect Voice solutions can help staff meet increasing pressures to execute faster and shorten fulfilment times. Voice technology is used for order preparation. The warehouse worker receives just the right amount of information at just the right time, via a headset and a belt-worn device. It provides the real flexibility and scalability needed by high-volume, multi-channel retailers who typically experience fluctuating demand and changing order profiles.


The next step in the handling process sees Honeywell Scanning & Mobility barcode scanners enable supply chain workers to identify the customer’s order quickly and accurately. Whether customers want ‘Click and Collect’ or have their goods delivered to their door, both options require fast and reliable barcode scanning. Honeywell’s mobile computing and barcode reading technologies are the platform for fulfilling accurate ecommerce deliveries.


More than half of the participants of Honeywell’s survey found that ‘the parcel delivery often reaches their home address when they are not at home and/or misses the appointment time’. Electronic proof of delivery by signature or document capture is essential for updating online track and trace systems so retailers can track delivery fulfilment as well as stock levels. Whether the product is delivered in store or to the customers’ doorstep, Honeywell technology can help retailers track proof of deliveries quickly and accurately.

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