Up to standard
When a warehouse lease is up both tenants and landlords can find flooring a bone contention, says Flowcrete.
Dilapidation work is an important consideration for both tenants coming to the end of a lease agreement and landlords preparing to re-market a commercial or industrial building as for both it can result in costs, prolonged labour, operational downtime and potentially unforeseen expenditure.
The focus of dilapidation works might be different for each party, as the tenant is looking to avoid breaching the terms of their contract and the landlord wants to quickly return the property to an as-new state so that it is ready for market as soon as possible.
One of the largest areas of concern for landlords is the floor, as it is invariably the part of the building that has weathered the most use and abuse. The floor finish of an industrial site such as a warehouse or factory is likely to have been exposed to impacts from heavy machinery and spillages of corrosive liquids such as oils or greases, while large-scale commercial spaces will have regularly subjected the floor to heavy foot traffic, frequent hot water washes and cleaning chemicals.
With tenants becoming increasingly aware of the importance of having a good quality floor surface, that is both fit for purpose and also visually pleasing for staff and visitors, more of an emphasis is placed on the landlord to ensure that this area of the site is prepared accordingly, to avoid the risk of losing potential clients.
Bringing a facility up to the standards expected by potential tenants is only half of the challenge, as the site should also meet the health and safety regulations relevant to its future use.
In storage areas, floor flatness requirements are critical, especially when dealing with high ceilinged spaces and tall shelving, where the safe operation of high-lifting equipment is paramount. Flat floors decrease vibration on forklift trucks, and so reduce the need for repairs and subsequent down time. Health and safety is increased while the risk of damage to stock is decreased with a lower chance of racks collapsing as a result of uneven surfaces.
Epoxy resin floor coatings have become a popular choice for warehouse and distribution centres, thanks to the ability of these solutions to provide a robust, level platform that can withstand onsite challenges for an extended period of time whilst providing additional operational benefits. One such epoxy resin floor coating that is especially popular in warehouse areas is Flowcoat SF41 from Flowcrete UK.
Systems such as the cement-based, pump applied topping Flowscreed Industrial Top can be specified to work alongside an epoxy coating to create a level surface prior to the application of the resin. This build-up helps to further enhance the surface regularity, and by extension, the operational effectiveness of the entire floor area.
The ability to include customisable additives means that FeRFA Type 3 rated resin finishes such as Flowcoat SF41 will not only revitalise the floor’s surface but can also add valuable benefits to the site that could appeal to potential tenants.
For example, the levels of slip resistance can be tailored to specific areas of the space. This is achieved by varying the quantity and size of the aggregates that are incorporated into the resin material to provide extra traction underfoot precisely where it is required.