Walkers Transport takes on TCM forklifts

Leeds-based Walkers Transport has taken delivery of new generation TCM trucks fitted with the latest monitoring equipment designed to record both truck and operator performance.

This latest investment will allow the trucks to be tracked and monitored to provide vital information that can be used to improve and optimise their materials handling operation.

Supplied by Sheffield-based TCM dealer, CAM Forklifts who worked closely with Walkers Transport to identify the perfect fit to complement an operation that is handling around 4,500 pallets every 24hrs. The new TCM gas-fuelled counter-balanced trucks have the design and robust engineering strength to provide the level of reliability, durability and operator comfort sought by such a progressive logistics business.

According to Mark Fletcher, Walkers commercial director, the plan is to focus on efficiency and effectiveness, rather than just cost reduction. This latest on-board monitoring system allows data to be collected at both truck and driver level to observe movements, behaviours and efficiency as well as the all-important health, safety and welfare of warehouse teams.

“We are really pleased to have CAM working with us on this project to improve such a critical part of our operation said Mark Fletcher. They have shown the level of commitment and understanding of our business that we need in a materials handling partner. For us reliability is a big factor, we can’t afford to have trucks out of action unexpectedly, so they need to be durable and robust whilst being underpinned by exceptional levels of service and support.”

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