Wickes quickly creates extra space with retractable tunnel

Posted on Friday 1 January 2010

DIY firm Wickes maximised retail space in a new store in Staines by investing in a retractable tunnel from Aganto.

The team designing the store layout at Wickes had identified the use of a retractable tunnel would provide both valuable undercover loading area and flexible overspill cover for flash sales or special promotions. With the outside yard space being as important as the internal store footprint for sales, it was imperative Wickes could optimise every square foot. 

Having a busy footfall both within the store and yard meant the look of the retractable tunnel was just as important as the functionality. The Wickes corporate colour scheme was specified, together with skirting and flashing to ensure the link to the store building was weatherproof.

The footprint of the retractable tunnel is 7.8m external width by 14m long. This combines two 7m retractable tunnels made up of linked 1m sections.

You an see the retractable tunnel being erected here.

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