DistriSort Projects B.V.
De Boomgaard 2
1243 HV's Graveland
United Kingdom
+31- 88-2056013
[email protected]
About us
The first DistriSort sorter solution was build in 2003. Since then DistriSort has installed over 90 EuroSort sorters in more than 60 sortation projects world wide.
DistriSort is the specialist for taylormade material handling solutions. With all of our concepts, sortation is the core process. In most cases this is supplemented with additional functionalities, such as the transport of empty or full boxes, transport of packaging materials, product identification through scanning or camera systems, or even dynamic weighing, labeling and packaging of products.
For any sorting concept DistriSort always uses a sorter from EuroSort. The reliability, ongoing product innovation, low and easy (self) maintenance give all of our sorting concepts a lean character.
Our concepts can be found in many different industries, ranging from E-commerce, to post and parcel, retail and many more. We have experience in many different logistical processes such as inbound goods, cross-docking and also returns.
Want to find out more about our concepts or the sorters that we use? Click below for more information: