igus (UK) Limited
51A Caswell Road
Brackmills Ind. Estate
United Kingdom
01604 677240
[email protected]
About us
igus® UK Limited was founded in a small office 1991 in
Daventry, Northamptonshire. Today igus® UK is based in a 28,000 square feet
industrial unit just 10 minutes away from the M1, enabling even quicker
collection and delivery times. The modern, spacious building also has ample car
parking facilities and generous delivery vehicle access.
The ground floor sales office is enclosed in floor to ceiling glass panels to
maximise light levels and add to an open working atmosphere. All employees are
equipped with the latest ergonomically designed work stations and have the same
flat screen computer monitors and office chairs. The business is labour
intensive by its bespoke nature. The shop floor area is divided by racks of
components and each department can customise according to customer
requirements. A special packing area is dedicated to bagging products up on a
high volume basis with a customer’s own barcodes. There is also a 100 metre
long preparation area for long travel cnergy chain® and flexible cable