JSP Limited
Worsham Mill
Minster Lovell
OX29 0TA
United Kingdom
01993 826050
[email protected]
About us
JSP is Europe's leading independent manufacturer of "above the neck" Personal Protective Equipment (PPE) and acknowledged leader in industrial head protection.
JSP's mission is to develop quality; innovative safety products that help improve occupational safety and health worldwide.
By developing products that exceed latest performance requirements whilst also improving comfort and wearer acceptance, JSP enables an estimated 40 million people worldwide to protect themselves daily in their lives and workplaces. Established in 1964 with its headquarters in Oxford, England, JSP manufactures on three continents currently exporting to over 90 countries. The UK remains a core manufacturing centre where the latest lean and automated techniques are utilised. Research and development is also based in Oxford where the highest levels of investment are maintained to continue a pipeline of proprietary innovation with annual targets.
Every JSP product is manufactured to conform to appropriate European, US and International performance specifications with testing carried out in our extensive BS EN ISO 9001:2000 registered test laboratories. Our technical helpline and website provide a wealth of experience and information to help end users choose how to protect themselves against different applications.