14 tonne loaded pallet racks handled by Solving
ColdSped, a specialist division of Schencker Oy in Finland, provides mainly temperature controlled storage and distribution of frozen & chilled food around Europe.
When planning to build a new cold store facility for yeast, ColdSped turned to Solving for an efficient and viable solution for handling tall 14 tonne loaded pallet racks with a high centre of gravity in a confined space.
Solving air film Movers use compressed air to move heavy loads in confined spaces, safely and smoothly, using radio control to provide the operator with full mobility and flexibility. Conventional wheeled vehicles create high floor loads and require more turning space. A Solving Air Film Mover can turn within its own space, and the air bearings spread the load over a large surface area, minimising floor wear and tear.
Using this unique technology Solving designed a compact air film Mover operated by remote control to ensure the operator could move product easily whilst maintaining constant all round visibility. The transporter successfully enables the food products to be handled quickly and efficiently, thereby minimising the risk of thawing.
Solving equipment can be based on air bearings or wheels depending on the application and environment, with radio control, laser or wire guidance.