Candidates sought for Management Apprenticeship Programme

Posted on Wednesday 22 February 2023

THE FOUR year programme combines work-based learning with academic study at Sheffield Hallam University, leading to a BSc (Honours) Packaging Design and Technology.

Kite is seeking candidates leaving college or sixth form for the course, which starts in September 2023.

The course includes attending the university a maximum of twenty-five days each year on day release with all travel expensed.

Apprentices will benefit from exposure to all business functions with the opportunity to shape their own career based on which best suits their capabilities. Candidates can expect to work with the commercial and purchasing team, support account managers with customer projects and help the sales team generate and manage enquiries. They will also support warehouse operations and assist branch managers with administration and data management. Upon completion, successful candidates will progress into team leader and managerial positions.

The packaging company is looking to appoint at least one apprentice for each of their ten locations in the UK, offering a basic starting salary of £20,000. This will increase in increments of £2,000 every twelve months, going up to £28,000 on completion of the programme. Successful candidates will gain a university qualification without having to pay any fees while they earn a salary. Applications are currently open and close on the 31st March 2023.

To learn more about this job opportunity, please visit

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