Cash raised for warehouse rooftop solar

Posted on Tuesday 23 April 2024

Eden Sustainable has secured £75 million in funding from renewable energy investment company, Thrive Renewables, to accelerate the roll out of private wire solar PPA projects, with a focus on warehouses.

SOLAR PPAs (Power Purchase Agreements) help to protect the host business against high energy prices and support net zero goals, with no upfront capital investment required.

The deal means Eden now has the in-house capability to develop, construct, fund and operate solar assets, however businesses may also choose to fund and own solar projects themselves. Eden recently completed a 2.5MW array for global logistics provider, Uniserve, located on the roof of its 750,000 square ft Felixstowe Mega Distribution Centre (FMDC). The array is predicted to generate over 2,180,000 kWh of clean electricity per year, 86% of which will be consumed on site.

Thrive Renewables managing director Matthew Clayton, said: “We’re excited to be partnering with Eden, a business that closely aligns with our ethos and values, helping fund its expansion plans that could see up to 75MW of new rooftop solar installed.”

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