Clipper takes huge Leeds warehouse due to unprecedented eComm growth

Posted on Friday 4 December 2020

The 3PL plans to introduce automation and robotics to Sherburn 667, the 666,898 sq ft DC.

Logicor let Sherburn 667, a fully fitted modern distribution facility located in Sherburn, near Leeds, signing a long-term lease with Clipper.

Clipper Logistics CEO Tony Mannix said: “Clipper are delighted to have added the Sherburn site to our portfolio and further extend our relationship with Logicor. We have seen unprecedented growth in our ecommerce operations in recent months and the Sherburn site will be a key site within the Clipper network to facilitate our growth plans as we continue to support both new and existing customers. Clipper remain at the forefront of innovation in the retail logistics sector and the Sherburn site will quickly become our centre of excellence with the planned introduction of automation and robotics as we continue to deliver world class solutions for our customers.”

Logicor’s director, asset management, UK Anthony McCluskie said: “We are delighted to have concluded this letting to Clipper Logistics – the largest letting in 2020 of an existing building and the largest letting we have signed to date within our UK portfolio.”

Logicor also let Sheffield615 to Clipper in 2018.

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