Combilift has Loads to see at CeMAT

The extent of Combilift’s product development in the last three years will be evident on its large stand at this year’s CeMAT, where the company will exhibit handling solutions with lift capacities from 1,450kg up to over 50t.

As well as exhibits from the original C series – a heavy duty C14000 model for example – the focus will also be on the ST stand-on range which has had limited exposure at CeMAT in the past. With a leaner cab size, these models are ideally suited for very narrow aisle operation, often in conjunction with a guided aisle system.

Combilift’s smallest model, the Combi-WR4, recently won the UK FLTA award for ergonomics and is at CeMAT for the first time. This pedestrian reach stacker combines multi-directional travel with a pantograph reach, side shift and tilting fork carriage for handling long loads and pallets and is the only truck of its kind to work in aisle-widths of 2.1m pallet to pallet. Its unique patented multi-position tiller with push button control enables the rear wheel to be rotated parallel to the chassis and back again for very safe operation.

At the other end of the scale the giant Combi-SC will be hard to miss. This cost effective and flexible alternative for handling containers and oversized products offers independence and flexibility when offloading and moving loads in the yard. Its light weight and low ground pressure enables operation on rough surfaces without the need for expensive reinforcement.

With over 15 exhibits, draught Guinness and the foot tapping Combi-CB truck dance routine, Combilift’s stand is, as always, the place to head for.

Stand FG F02, open air site

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