Companies relying on ERP for supply chain visibility fall short says report

GT Nexus announced the availability of a new report conducted by Supply Chain Insights indicating that despite the explosion of global outsourcing and increased efforts to automate the extended supply chain, the focus of most companies remains on automation within the enterprise, leaving interactions between business partners to spreadsheets and EDI.

Misalignment between IT and supply chain leaders directly hinders global initiatives centered on supply chain visibility and agility.

“Supply chain processes are more dependent on trading partners and interactions across the extended supply chain, but IT capabilities are largely based on electronic data interchange and spreadsheets, which is inadequate,” said Lora Cecere, CEO of Supply Chain Insights. “For over fifty percent of companies IT spending is primarily focused on Enterprise Resource Planning (ERP) which automates processes within the single company, not the end to end network. This is a conundrum for the supply chain leader.”

Read the new report here.

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