Dock leveller safety course makes rapid progress
130 attendees have completed a one-day course in dock leveller safety launched a year ago by the Association of Loading Bay and Elevating Equipment Manufacturers (ALEM) and the Door & Hardware Federation (DHF).

TEN COURSES have been held since October 2023.
ALEM’s president Richard Spinks, says: “ALEM identified the need for a dock leveller safety training course and, together with the DHF, we have collaborated to develop and deliver this extremely successful one-day course. We recognised DHF’s unrivalled experience in course development and delivery of training courses associated with industrial doors so the synergy between dock levellers and industrial doors made it the natural choice to form a long-standing relationship.”
Feedback from attendees of the course is very encouraging and includes the following comments:
- “I feel that I now have a better understanding of what to look for when next servicing a dock leveller.”
- “Very helpful course, I learned a lot. Good amount of detail and everything explained clearly.”
- “Very informative and everything well explained throughout the course.”
- “Overall, the course was interesting even though I’ve worked on dock levellers before today. I feel like I can walk away with more understanding of the safety side.”
For more information, visit