DX merges operations into Swanley super-site

Parcel and logistics firm DX has opened a new Service Centre in Swanley, Kent. DX Secure, DX Network Services and DX Freight will all operate from the 116,300 sq ft super site facility.

This location, now DX’s largest single Service Centre, replaces nearby sites in Dartford, Chatham, Erith and Maidstone, the operations of which will be merged into the new Swanley site. The combined site has both flat-floor operations for double-deck loading/unloading as well as 14 dock levellers for 7.5t & HGV’s. 

Petar Cvetkovic, CEO, said: “The primary driver behind the opening of the Swanley site was our desire to continuously improve service to our customers, while expanding our offerings and creating more capacity to support their growth. The new Swanley location truly represents the OneDX solution, with shared route structures and one sales proposition which allows us to explore new opportunities for our customers to enjoy.”

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