Four contract extensions for CM Downton

Posted on Thursday 25 June 2020

EV Cargo’s CM Downton has secured four new contract extensions, mostly in the distribution of paper and cardboard.

Downton has sealed distribution agreements with Saica Pack, Stora Enso and SCA.

Winning additional distribution business with long-term customer Saica Pack, Downton will deliver paper reels inbound to the Newport manufacturing plant and distribute finished corrugated packaging to Saica Pack’s mainly FMCG customer base – cutting out empty miles. Managing up to 15 loads per day, Downton has an on-site planner to oversee a small core fleet and link into the company’s wider transport network of over 500 vehicles.

Operating a national distribution contract for Stora Enso, Downton is also transporting paper reels from the port of Tilbury to a diverse range of customers in the newsprint, magazine and packaging sectors. The contract includes the operation of specialist trailers including walking floors for once specific customer.

Downton focuses on developing long-term customer accounts and it has extended a contract with SCA. Paper reels from the port of Sheerness are delivered to packaging manufacturers nationwide, helping to deliver optimised network flows and further reduce empty mileage and emissions.


Downton has also extended its relationship with toy manufacturer Mattel after a competitive tender. Carrying out national distribution to the UK’s largest retailers from the Mattel distribution centre in Leicester, the contract also fits particularly well with existing network flows – enhancing network efficiency and reducing waste.

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