GLP warehouse secures passive fire protection
Promat played an instrumental part in the fire protection of Unit 4 of GLP’s warehouse and logistics facility, G-Park, Northampton.

THE TAILORED 240-minutes fire resistance solution for the 132,000 sq ft facility features Promat VERMICULUX-S and TD Boards, which were specified for the project by Encon, a Promat distributor, as they knew that these were two of a limited number of products on the market that could meet the project’s requirements.
Promat worked closely with Encon and FAA on the final specification to provide a solution that could not only achieve the 240-minute requirement, but could also overcome the design complexities of the project, including fixing to both the structural steel and cladding rails, which most traditional boards were unable to accommodate. The completed installation demonstrates how VERMICULUX-S and TD Boards can interface together to create robust fire protection for warehouse and industrial applications.
Industrial units, such as Unit 4, are typically steel frame constructions that are vulnerable during a fire as the steel can quickly lose its structural integrity and load bearing capacity. This means that the correct specification of a fire protection solution that could provide 4 hours of fire resistance and meet current building regulations was essential for the project.