Indurent completes West Midlands Midbox scheme

Posted on Tuesday 25 February 2025

Developer Indurent, has competed the fifth and final phase of its circa 1 million ft2 Indurent Park Burton scheme delivering five midbox units totaling 392,000 ft2.

By Liza Helps Property Editor Logistics Matters

THE NEW units, range from 38,000 ft2 to 173,000 ft2 and have been built to target BREEAM Excellent aand an EPC A rating.

Indurent, Senior Development Manager Ben Silcock said: “The completion of the latest phase at Burton underlines our confidence that businesses will continue to be attracted to Burton as a fast-growing hub for manufacturing and logistics. It’s exceptional connectivity, large labour pool and the delivery of housing and other community infrastructure will continue to underpin economic growth and demand for industrial workspace.”

The buildings offer up to 15m clear internal height and Grade A office space.

Joint agents are Knight Frank and Savills.

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