Key safety milestone

Posted on Wednesday 4 November 2020

Rite-Hite has passed a major milestone in loading bay safety – the delivery of its 20,000th Global Wheel-Lok system in Europe.

The news follows soon after the company announced that manufacture of the award-winning system has also commenced in Germany to serve its European customer base.

Proven in market for more than 20 years, the Global Wheel-Lok is designed to secure any type of trailer to the Loading Bay, preventing well-known incidents such as vehicle creep (‘dock walk’), and accidents caused by a vehicle leaving its bay too early.

With Rite-Hite’s system, the driver reverses their vehicle to the bay where wheel guides ensure accurate positioning onto the Global Wheel-Lok. As the tyre crosses the locking arm, the barrier rises and, using the energy of the trailer, follows the tyre until the trailer stops against the dock bumpers. The tyre is then locked in place, and a simple ‘green/red’ lighting system indicates to the driver – and the Loading Bay workers – that it is safe to continue. 

When loading/unloading is completed, the Loading Bay worker presses the ‘unlock’ button to release the locking teeth, and a green light is displayed to the driver. The locking arm follows the trailer tyre back to its original resting position, and the vehicle is safe to leave.

The Global Wheel-Lok is self-powered and has only four main components, making it reliable and easy to maintain. It is capable of resisting up to 14,500kg of pull out force. Rite-Hite says it is Europe’s only restraint to exceed the requirement for an FEM Class 3 vehicle restraint on both empty and full trailers.

For more information, visit: visit

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