NEW: Returnable bulk container for hazardous liquids
Milford IBC has designed a UN certified 1,000 litre IBC that is foldable for return and requires no expensive cleaning.
The movement of hazardous liquids has traditionally been an expensive operation. Moving product over vast distances, or the complex washing processes involved, in many cases makes the return of the Intermediate Bulk Container (IBC) too costly. But One trip solutions can also be a costly option for product movement themselves.
The Milford Qubit UN uses an internal liner to hold the contents. Once the IBC has been emptied the liner can simply be disposed of. This option removes the added expense of cleaning, and also the need to transport the IBC to a cleaning plant.
In the same space that two rigid units would occupy on a truck, the folded Qubit UN can be stacked six high.
The Milford Qubit UN has been designed with a 1200x1000mm footprint so is compatible with most materials handling equipment.