NHS and grocers key customers for scrubber batteries

Posted on Wednesday 3 June 2020

Over the last four weeks, ECOBAT Industrial team has attended more than 90 sites across the UK to supply and fit new batteries, while at the same time removing the old batteries for recycling in a safe and environmentally friendly facilities.

40% of this number were either NHS hospitals or related healthcare providers, while the other 60% were supermarket distribution centres.

ECOBAT acts on behalf of floorcare machinery manufacturers and service provider customers.

In addition to the batteries it fitted, during the same four-week snap shot, ECOBAT Industrial supplied in excess of 1,000 batteries to manufacturers and providers who fit them themselves across a host of frontline services.

“As we endure such unprecedented challenges in the face of the Covid-19 pandemic, this is an important message for those in the materials handling and warehouse and logistics sectors, as well as the cleaning industry, who collectively are under such pressure to stock and distribute the goods that are so vital as we grapple day-to-day in the country’s present position,” explains Keith Macdonald, the company’s commercial director. “They will also be in the frontline in the future, when we go through the process of rebuilding the economy. When that time comes, we will again be at their side, providing the support these industries need as part of the essential services the nation requires to get back on its feet.”

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