Planning application for East Anglia logistics space
A planning application has been submitted to Mid Suffolk District Council for a business park spanning over 750,000 square foot of generation three logistics and business space, said to be unrivalled by anything presently within Norfolk, Suffolk and North Essex.
The development, near Great Blakenham in Ipswich, will bring to Suffolk over 600 new jobs created within an eco-friendly, state of the art business environment.
Located in what property experts have hailed ‘the golden location’ for Suffolk, the park is ideally placed to serve the A12 A14 trunk roads adjacent to junction 52 of the A14; entered from the dual carriageway directly into the park.
Developers Curzon De Vere hope permissions will be determined within 13 weeks. If granted permission, they will commence building quarter one 2017 and the park is expected to be complete by 2019.
They have already received an unprecedented level of enquiries from national and international businesses from as far away as China and mainland Europe, from businesses who have been looking for a considerable time to locate to their preferred location.
The site already has over 70% of its floor space committed with terms agreed or with expressions of interest.
The development is located on land opposite the county’s energy-from-waste facility and sits well away from the villages of Claydon and Great Blakenham, but is accessed by a dual-carriageway directly back to the A14 without passing any residential housing.
Nick Davey, Partner of The JTS Partnership LLP and planning consultant for the build said: “This exciting ground breaking development will give the local economy a major boost and help Mid-Suffolk meet its commitment to find land for an additional 8000 jobs by 2026. Because of its unique position it will attract both local and international businesses and will provide jobs for local people and reduce levels of out-commuting from the district. As a result of the thorough approach that has been taken to all aspects of the scheme, this will be a very sustainable development which successfully addresses every planning and environmental issue. In particular, the access arrangements have been designed so as to ensure that HGV traffic can only enter and leave the site by the A14 trunk road. A detailed traffic analysis has demonstrated that the adjacent junctions have sufficient capacity to accommodate the additional movements and, most importantly, the scheme will not lead to any additional lorries using the roads in surrounding villages.”
Roger Gilles, Director of Barefoot and Gilles Architects who has led the design of the scheme said: "We are delighted to be part of such a landmark development. The park will make a major contribution to the local economy and has been planned with not only the needs of business in mind but also those of the local community and ecology. Set into the landscape and with a major tree planting programme in place, the Park has been designed to make a minimal visual impact on the local amenities and this is exactly what Suffolk needs for the 21st century.”
The proposal for the site includes logistics (generation three), business units and offices, all set within a landscaped environment with lakes and cycle routes.
The jobs available will be widespread but from the terms agreed to date, companies will offer positions in IT programming, fashion sales, logistics, management, warehousing, transport, marketing, telesales, design and packaging, maintenance, finance and accounting.
Local construction companies will be invited to tender for the work as soon as planning is achieved, resulting in a workforce of 200 permanent roles on site, with another 100 off site, throughout the construction period.
The construction method used to build the site will result in a minimum 15% reduction of CO2 emissions, far exceeding reductions from comparable developments in the UK and mainland Europe.
Concrete and sub-base make up will be constructed on site from existing sands and gravels, making the total CO2 reductions an industry leader, resulting in a direct reduction of the number of materials and trips delivered to site.
The landscaping will include up to five lakes which will be protected areas for neighbouring habitat with over 3,500 trees and shrubs planted. The architecture has been designed to sit below the adjacent tree line to the west, screening the development from the distant valley views.
Throughout the public consultation the developers have been keen to take on board parish councillors’ comments with various changes made to the plans throughout the design and planning stages.
Chris Moody, Director Commercial Agency of Savills in Ipswich and Commercial Agent for St James’ Business and Logistics Park said: “There are various sites along the A14 under discussion but St James’ Business and Logistics Park will be the first to be delivered. The plan features a very high specification of buildings, something not seen anywhere else in this area. This is the next generation in logistics/business space and a game changer in the regional market. Of great benefit is the ability of the developer to agree flexible terms alongside competitive rents and space which can be designed to the occupier’s requirements.
“The park doesn’t pass a house on its way to or from the A14, therefore businesses can continue to run their 24/7 operation without any disruption to them or the community.”
To find out more about the development please visit where details of the development are available.