RTITB takes legal action against trainer over Driver CPC discrepancies
In October 2013 Truck and Driver published an article about a CPC instructor who ran Periodic Training on behalf of RTITB and failed to upload the drivers’ hours or issue certificates as proof of attendance.
RTITB have since taken legal action against Mark Johnson, the trainer at the centre of these allegations. RTITB successfully obtained an order that Mr Johnson produced documentation relating to the courses in question, including: invoices, driver registration forms, attendance forms, and feedback forms. In the event that he was unable to produce documentation Mr Johnson was ordered to disclose what has happened to the documents. RTITB’s costs were also awarded against him.
Laura Nelson, Operations Director at RTITB said: “We took this action out of a desire to protect the Master Driver CPC Consortium, but more importantly we wanted to ensure the integrity of Driver CPC Periodic Training, and the fair treatment of the drivers that our members strive to train to the highest standard. This was about taking a stand against substandard practices in Periodic Training provision, no matter the offender or their affiliations. The documents ordered to be produced will assist RTITB with deciding whether to take further legal action against Mr Johnson. Our tireless pursuit of this case demonstrates that RTITB takes the integrity of Driver CPC very seriously and it shows that as a consortium lead we will not tolerate behaviour on the part of any of our members which falls below our high standards. While this incident was regrettable, we hope that the successful action we have taken proves that drivers and employers alike should feel confident in choosing RTITB Master Driver Consortium training providers as we reach this major milestone in the CPC journey.”
As well as taking strong legal action against Mr Johnson RTITB were keen to offer all drivers affected by his actions replacement training at no extra cost. Ms Nelson added: “Naturally, when something goes wrong we like to react quickly and effectively. In this instance it meant taking firm action against an individual, protecting the rest of our members and making sure the hard working drivers who were cheated out of their hours were treated fairly.”