Scheme aims to gets candidates work ready
In collaboration with leading logistics employers, Skills for Logistics has developed a Pre-Employment Training (PET) Programme. This programme aims to support unemployed adults and deliver the skills, training and opportunities they need to find real jobs in the Logistics Sector.
PET provides a structured, two-week training programme. It focuses on the knowledge, motivation, skills and confidence to get people, ‘work ready’ and into employment. It helps them realise their ambitions and to succeed in their career goals. Candidates must be 18 plus, unemployed, actively seeking employment and currently claiming benefits to qualify.
Specifically designed to help learners secure work, PET includes a focus on developing personal skills to gain employment and insights in how to find a worthwhile career or apprenticeship with a logistics employer. It provides organisation and administration skills working towards a Level 1 Qualification. Workplace awareness, skills development, one-to-one coaching and mentoring as well as practical work experience with a logistics company are also part of the programme.
At its end, candidates will be equipped with the skills that employers really need in their business – up to Level 1. All candidates are guaranteed a job interview with a logistics employer that could lead to a job, work placement or an apprenticeship and the potential of a long-term career in the Logistics Sector.
Dr Ross Moloney, CEO of Skills for Logistics said: “We often hear from logistics employers that people arrive for an interview without ‘work ready skills’. We would therefore urge employers to get involved in this scheme. We would also like to reach out to anyone with the desire to build, develop and realise their career potential because the Pre-Employment Training Programme is ideal for you.”
For more information on how to take part in a Pre-Employment Training Course in your area, contact your local Job Centre or contact Carol Fisher at Skills for Logistics on 01908 313360, e-mail [email protected]
Employers wishing to run a Pre-Employment Training Course and find new talent in your area should also contact [email protected]